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Related Definitions
Geo demographics Geo demographics is the combination of geography and demographics of consumer market segmentation designed to identify and reach the right people at the right time.
Geographic’s Geographic’s is the separation of large markets into smaller groupings according to country, region, state, city, community, or block divisions.
Geographic diversification Geographic diversification is the spreading out a bank’s credit accounts and deposits among customers located in different communities, regions,
National System for Geospatial Intelligence National System for Geospatial Intelligence means the combination of technology, policies, capabilities, doctrine, activities, people, data, and organizations necessary ...
Bourgeoisie Bourgeoisie means historically, the merchant class in feudal societies. Today, the term is often used as a synonym for the middle class.
Geographical segmentation Geographical segmentation is the dividing an overall market into homogeneous groups on the basis of their locations.
Joint force surgeon Joint force surgeon— a general term applied to a Department of Defense medical department officer appointed by the joint force commander to serve as ...
Geospatial intelligence operations Geospatial intelligence operations are the tasks, activities, and events to collect, manage, analyze, generate, visualize, and provide imagery, imagery intelligence ...
Geospatial intelligence Geospatial intelligence refers to the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information to describe, assess, and visually depict physical ...