Zeigarnik effect Zeigarnik effect is a finding by a Gestalt psychologist named Bluma Zeigarnik that subjects are more likely to remember details of experimental tasks during which
Thorndike-Lorge count Thorndike-Lorge count is a list of the relative frequencies of some 30,000 English words. Its development kept a lot of graduate students gainfully employed in the 1930s.
Likert scale The Likert Scale is a technique developed by the American social scientist, Rensis Likert, for constructing attitude measures...
Economic Strike Economic Strike is a strike that results from a failure to agree on the terms of a contract that involve wages, benefits, and other conditions of employment.
Strikebreakers Strikebreakers mean workers who perform the jobs until the striking workers come to terms with management.
Exercise price (strike price) Exercise price (strike price) means a price (exchange rate) at which the owner of a currency call option is allowed to buy a specified currency; or ...
Elaboration Likelihood Model Elaboration Likelihood Model (of persuasion) is a theory suggesting that persuasion can occur in either of two distinct ways, differing in the
Strike coordination and reconnaissance Strike coordination and reconnaissance refers to a mission flown for the purpose of detecting targets and coordinating or performing attack or ...
No-strike list No-strike list is a list of objects or entities, characterized as protected from the effects of military operations under international law and/or rules of engagement.
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