Last clear chance rule Last clear chance rule is a statutory modification of the contributory negligence law allowing the claimant endangered by his or her own negligence to recover damages from a defendant if the defendant has
Class rating Class rating means rate-making method in which similar insureds are placed in the same underwriting class and each is charged the same rate. Class rating also called manual rating.
Atlas grid Atlas grid— assumed grid used for point designation of air photographs constructed with grid lines 18 inches apart, the X coordinate readings designated by ...
Classification (Or Grading) Method Classes Classification (Or Grading) Method Classes is a method for categorizing jobs into groups.
Dividing jobs into classes based on a set of rules for each class, such as amount of independent judgment, skill, physical effort, and so forth, required for each class of jobs. Classes usually contain similar jobs--such as all secretaries.
Free-rein or lasses-faire leadership style Free-rein or lasses-faire leadership style means characterized by the leader permitting the subordinates to junction independently.
Classroom training Classroom training means training conducted away from the pressures of the work environment.
Accounting classification Accounting classification— fiscal code number indicating in sequence the appropriation symbol, the allotment number, the project account number, the ...
Laser printer Laser printer is a high-end computer printer, capable of printing 600 dpi or more.
Glass-Steagall Act Glass-Steagall Act is the law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1933 that legally mandated the separation commercial and investment
Socio-Economic Classification (SEC) Socio-Economic Classification (SEC) refers to a term that is used by Indian marketers which uses a combination of the education and occupation of the ...