Global market Global market refers the worldwide economic market place in which business operates today, buying and selling both finished products
Lobotomy Lobotomy is a type of psychosurgery, where the frontal lobes are severed from the main part of the brain. Formerly used as a last resort for severe depression but much
Lobbying Lobbying refers employing persons to influence state and federal legislators to sponsors’ laws that further one’s own interests or inhibit those of one’s own interests or inhibit those of one’s opponents.
Global Warming Global Warming is the probable increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans brought about partly as a result of
Rapid global mobility Rapid global mobility means the timely movement, positioning, and sustainment of military forces and capabilities across the range of military operations.
Global-specific risks Global-specific risks refer to those risks that affect the MNE at the project or corporate level, but that originate at the global level (such as terrorism, environmental ...
Anti-globalization movement Anti-globalization movement refers to growing negative reaction by some groups to reduced trade barriers and efforts to create regional markets; in particular ...
Global North Global North is countries that have a high level of industrialization. With the exception of Australia and New Zealand, these countries are located
Global South Global South is countries in which industrialization remains fairly limited. Most of these countries lie in the southern hemisphere, and many were
Global stratification Global stratification can be defined as systematic global inequalities between nation-states that are determined by a nation-state's position in