Barometer Barometer means economic and market data that represent an overall trend. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an example of a
parameter Mathematically, parameter is a constant in an equation that defines the form of the curve; in psychology, it is a constant that defines the curve of a psychological function
Aesthesiometer Aesthesiometer is an instrument for quantifying skin sensitivity to touch by measuring the smallest distance between two points of contact on the skin where the
Aerometeorograph Aerometeorograph is an instrument that records the pressure and temperature of the air, the amount of moisture in the air, the rate of moisture ...
Accelerometer Accelerometer is an instrument which displays the acceleration the aircraft experiences along its normal axis. Also called “G–meter.”
Visual meteorological conditions Visual meteorological conditions refers to the weather conditions in which visual flight rules apply; expressed in terms of visibility, ceiling height, and ...
Senior meteorological and oceanographic officer Senior meteorological and oceanographic officer refers to meteorological and oceanographic officer, responsible for assisting the combatant commander ...
Meteorology Meteorology is the study, dealing with the phenomena of the atmosphere including the physics, chemistry, and dynamics extending to the effects of the ...
Meteorological watch Meteorological watch— monitoring the weather for a route, area, or terminal and advising concerned organizations when hazardous conditions that could ...