Management skills Management skills refers the ability to use knowledge, behaviors, and aptitudes to perform a task; classified as technical, human relations,
Managerial Hierarchy Managerial Hierarchy allows the levels of management in an organization, typically three distinct levels; executive, middle, and first
Inventory management Inventory management is the process of developing and maintaining stocks of products that customers want and need.
Risk Management Information System Risk management information system (RMIS) is a computerized data base that permits the risk manager to store and analyze risk
Integrated risk management Integrated risk management is a risk management technique that combines coverage for pure and speculative risks in the same
Enterprise risk management Enterprise risk management comprehensive risk management program that considers an organization’s pure risks, speculative risks,
Role of Manager As a manager attempts to perform the management job, there are some roles required of a manager. Such as:
— Figurehead Role A manager is the head of his or her work ...
Investment management systems Investment management systems refer to systems that ensure that the organization gets the best possible returns on its long-term investments.
Cash management systems Cash management systems are those systems that ensure that the organization has enough cash to conduct normal business, to receive the best possible ...
Asset management systems Asset management systems maintain an inventory of the company’s long-term assets and ensure that accounting practices for company assets comply ...