Equipment breakdown insurance Equipment breakdown insurance is an insurance that covers losses due to accidental breakdown of covered equipment.
Plant and equipment Plant and equipment sometimes called fixed assets: an asset category that includes land and expensive manufactured items that a company will use in its operations for several years.
Administrative support equipment Administrative support equipment— equipment not essential to the performance of assigned operational missions and tasks. Included are ...
Accessory equipment Accessory equipment is a capital items that are less expensive an shorter lived
Remain-behind equipment Remain-behind equipment — Unit equipment left by deploying forces at their bases when they deploy.
Personal protective equipment Personal protective equipment refers to the protective clothing and equipment which is provided to shield or isolate a person from the chemical, physical
Materials handling equipment Materials handling equipment means the equipment that is used at air, ground, and sea ports to handle large cargo. Also called MHE.
Individual protective equipment Individual protective equipment— in chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear operations, the personal clothing and equipment required to...
Equipment Equipment— in logistics, all nonexpendable items needed to outfit or equip an individual or organization.
Container-handling equipment Container-handling equipment— items of materials-handling equipment required to specifically receive, maneuver, and dispatch International Organization ...