Assault wire Assault wire— very light field telephone wire, wound on reels small enough for one man to carry over difficult terrain under front–line conditions.
Assault supplies Assault supplies refer to those supplies of all classes which accompany the assault elements of any unit into the objective area.
Assault position Assault position refers to that position between the line of departure and the objective in an attack at which the assault echelon completes final ...
Assault gun Assault gun refers to any of various sizes and types of guns that are self–propelled or mounted on tanks and are used for direct fire from close range against point targets.
Sexual assault response coordinator Sexual assault response coordinator is the single point of contact at an installation or within a geographic area who overseas sexual assault awareness ...
Sexual assault forensic examination kit Sexual assault forensic examination kit refers to the medical and forensic examination kit, used to ensure controlled procedures and safekeeping of any ...
Defense sexual assault incident database Defense sexual assault incident database is a Department of Defense database that captures and serves as the reporting source for all sexual assault data collected by the Services.
Assault schedule Assault schedule— in amphibious operations, this schedule provides the formation, composition, and timing of waves landing over the beach.
Assault phase Assault phase— in an airborne operation, a phase beginning with delivery by air of the assault echelon of the force into the objective area and extending through attack