Rational-emotive therapy Rational-emotive therapy is a form of psychotherapy, most closely related to behaviour therapy, developed by the American psychologist Albert Ellis. It attempts to meet irrational ideas
Primal therapy Primal therapy is a technique of psychotherapy developed in the United States by Arthur Janov in which the therapist first makes the patient feel intensely miserable, then encourages
Play therapy Play therapy is the use of play in psychotherapy with children to aid in diagnosis and in treatment; the child is encouraged to experience a catharsis of blocked emotions.
Occupational therapy Occupational therapy is an adjunct to psychotherapy in hospitals which involves patients in performing useful tasks to improve their self-esteem and feelings of worth, as well as their physical improvement.
Non-directive therapy Non-directive therapy is a therapy which accepts an individual's expression of his needs and conflicts on his own terms without any preconceived system of interpretation
Milieu therapy Milieu therapy is a form of psychotherapy which focuses on helping an individual by changing his environment rather than his own attitudes or behaviour.
Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy.
Cognitive therapy Cognitive therapy is any form of psychotherapy based on the viewpoint of cognitive psychology. It regards the way in which people make sense of their experiences
Client-centered therapy Client-centered therapy is a form of psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers which is based on an unconditional acceptance and regard for the client. The client
Behaviour therapy Behaviour therapy is form of psycho therapy based on the assumptions of behaviourism and using behaviourist means to eliminate undesirable behaviour. Its