- An obsolete intensive prefix used in the formation of
compound verbs; as in to-beat, to-break, to-hew, to-rend, to-tear. See
these words in the Vocabulary. See the Note on All to, or All-to, under
All, adv.
book-to-bill The book-to-bill ratio is the ratio of orders taken (booked) to products shipped and bills sent (billed). The ratio measures whether the company has more orders than it can deliver (>1), equal amounts (=1), or less (<1).
Auto-Regressive (AR) Auto-Regressive (AR) is a stationary stochastic process where the current value of the time series is related to the past p values, where p is any integer, is called an AR(p) process. When the current value is related to the previous two values, it is an AR(2) process. An AR(1)
Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) is a nonlinear stochastic process, where the variance is time-varying, and a function of the
past variance. ARCH processes have frequency distributions which have high peaks at the mean and fat-tails, much like fractal
Face-to-face group Face-to-face group refers to social psychological term for a small group of people in close enough physical proximity for each person in the group to interact
Peer-to-peer relationship Peer-to-peer relationship is an arrangement whereby all devices on a network have equal status and privileges, as compared to master-slave relationship ...
Right-to-work laws Right-to-work laws are allowing workers to obtain and keep jobs without having to join or pay money to a labor organization.
House-to-house retailing House-to-house retailing means out-of-store retailing whereby salespeople call on prospective customers in their homes.
Consumer-to-consumer Consumer-to-consumer is the business transaction from one consumer from one consumer to another. Once limited to classified
Less-Leads-to-More Effect Less-Leads-to-More Effect is the finding that offering individuals small rewards for engaging in counter-attitudinal behavior often produces more