- A Mexican and Central American tree (Castilloa elastica and C.
Markhamiana) related to the breadfruit tree. Its milky juice contains
caoutchouc. Called also ule tree.
Schedule rating Schedule rating is a type of merit-rating method in which each exposure is individually rated and given a basis rate that is then modified by debits or credits for undesirable or desirable physical
Scheduled personal property endorsement Scheduled personal property endorsement allows special coverage added at the insured’s request to a homeowner’s policy to insure items specifically listed. Used to insure valuable property such as
Last clear chance rule Last clear chance rule is a statutory modification of the contributory negligence law allowing the claimant endangered by his or her own negligence to recover damages from a defendant if the defendant has
Aging schedule Aging schedule is a table of accounts receivable broken down into age categories (such as 0-30 days, 30-60 days, and 60-90
McNaughten rules McNaughten rules is a mid-nineteenth-century legal ruling that is still widely used in deciding whether a criminal defendant is insane and therefore not responsible
Rule-based systems Rule-based systems— one way to represent the knowledge and judgment of an expert within a computer system is by using if-then RULES. Systems ...
Explanation module Explanation module is a module in an expert system that explains the problem-solving process in detail. Explanations can be either “canned” or ...
Display rules Display rules refer to sometimes used in sociology to indicate behaviour designed to mask real feelings by presenting what appears to be a different feeling.
Decision rule Decision rule means in consumer psychology this refers to the way people make buying decisions by the conscious or unconscious use of a rule-of-thumb, or heuristic.
Vestibule or simulated Learning Vestibule or simulated Learning refers training employees on special off-the-job equipment, as in airplane pilot training, whereby training costs and hazards can be reduced.