Definition Definition

Job description

The employer almost always uses the job analysis to produce a job description- a written statement of what the worker actually does, how he or she does it, and what the job’s conditions are.

Job description is a list of a job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities- one product of a job analysis.

There is no standard format for writing a job description. However, most description contains sections that cover:

  1. Job identification
  2. Job summary
  3. Responsibilities and duties
  4. Authority of incumbent
  5. Standards of performance
  6. Working conditions
  7. Job specifications

    Job description is a written summary of the scope, function duties, responsibilities, and relationships involved in a job.

    Job Description is a list of a job's duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities--one product of a job analysis.

    Job description is a written statement that furnished information about a job’s duties, technology, conditions, and hazarded based on data form the job analyses.

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