Definition Definition


Assembly— 1. Signal given by drum or bugle for units of troops to gather or come together, usually in close formation. 2. Groupings of units usually in close formation. 3. Point in the air to which all units of an Air Force are assigned. 4. A group of two or more physically connected or related parts which is capable of disassembly (carbureator, powerpack, IF circuit, amplifier). 5. Completion of end items to the condition in which they normally are issued, except for the installation of accessories to accommodate the item for a specific use or location, by joining together, installation or other association of components issued. 6. Option or condemnation papers which form the basis for the acquisition of each tract of land. 7. Meeting of reservists at a previously designated place to participate in Reserve duty training. 8. The designation of the program by which assemblages are constructed.

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