C# (pronounced “C sharp”) a programming language developed by Anders Hejlsberg (the developer of Turbo Pascal and Delphi) for Windows programming under Microsoft’s .NET Framework.
C# is similar in appearance and intent to Java, but it is more tightly tied to the object-oriented operating-system interface of the .NET Framework.
In some ways it reflects the spirit of Pascal, with clean and simple design, but it is fully object-oriented. Memory allocation is automatic, and programmers do not normally manipulate pointers. Care has been taken to make common operations simple and concise, and the handling of windows is especially straightforward; programmers never have to declare handlers for events that they do not actually want to handle.
A sample program in C# is :
// Sample C# program to test whether a number is prime. using System; class primecheck { static void Main(string[] args) { int n, i, max; bool cont; string s; while (true) { Console.Write(”Type a number (0 to quit): ”); n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (n==0) break; s = ”prime”; cont = (n > 2); i = 1; max = (int)Math.Sqrt(n); // largest divisor to try while (cont) { i++; Console.WriteLine(”Trying divisor {0}”,i); if (n % i == 0) //if n divisible by i { s = ”not prime”; cont = false; } else{ cont = (i < max); } } Console.WriteLine(”{0} is {1} \n”,n,s); } } }