Definition Definition


Delegation is the process of assigning tasks or projects to subordinates and clearly dictating expected outcomes and timeframe for completion.

Delegation is the downward transfer to formal authority from one person to another.

Delegation is a concept describing the downward transfer of formal authority from one person to another. As the company grows and more demands are placed on a manager, or because a manager wishes to develop subordinates, delegation takes place. Superiors delegate, or pass, authority to subordinates to facilitate work's being accomplished. It involves assigning tasks, delegating authority, exacting responsibility, and holding a person accountable. These four-step process should ensure that the process of delegation is clearly understood by the manager and the subordinate.

Delegation is the process by which authority is distributed or pushed downward in an organization; giving an employee at a lower level in the organization the responsibility for a given task as well as the authority to carry it out.


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