Definition (1):
“Marketing Personnel means any person whose functions involve the marketing of a product or products coming within the scope of this Code.”
Definition (2):
Marketing Personnel refers to a natural individual, who personally or on behalf of another person or any organization, sells or buys for consumption or resale capacity, energy derivatives, energy, and useful services in the wholesale power markets, and involves any natural individual who performs such transactions on behalf of transmission owners, transmission service customers, power exchanges, that are not also load-serving entities, system operator, holders of generators, energy derivatives and other power suppliers and designated agents of them.
Definition (3):
Marketing Personnel gives information to the team of product development about the customer preferences for the development of new products based on customer insight given by the marketing team.
With greater competition today, banks have an urgent need to develop new services and to more aggressively sell existing services tasks that usually fall primarily to a bank’s marketing department. This important function requires an understanding of the problems involved in producing and selling services and familiarity with service advertising techniques and cost accounting. Course work in economies, services marketing, statistic, and business management is especially helpful in this field.