Definition Definition

Traditional action

Definition (1):

Traditional action is motivated by custom or tradition; one of Weber’s four action types.

Definition (2):

 In Max Weber’s sociology, four main forms of social action are differentiated or distinguished. Men can involve in goal-oriented or purposeful rational action; their rational action can be value-oriented; they can act from affective or emotional motivations, or eventually, they can involve in traditional action.

Traditional action takes place when the means and ends of action are fixed by tradition and custom. For instance, many so-called primitive communities or societies have very firm rites or traditions of succession for community or group leaders. The crucial thing about this action is that the action’s ends are taken for granted and considered to be natural to the related actors because they cannot comprehend the alternative ends’ possibility.

These actions are guided by long-standing beliefs and customs which become second habit or nature. In traditional Muslim Society, saying ‘salam’ to elders is almost like second nature requiring no prompting.

Definition (3):

Traditional action refers to a social action performed because it was performed in the past. These are the actions which are done due to tradition, as they are always done in such a condition or situation. For instance, wearing clothes or relaxing on holidays.

Category: Sociology
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