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Related Definitions
Cocktail party phenomenon Cocktail party phenomenon is the term used by some psychologists to describe our perceptual ability to deal with several messages at once but attend to only one of them.
Advance party Advance party refers to 1. A security element of an advance guard. It is sent out from, and precedes, the advance guard support on ...
Tactical air control party Tactical air control party is a subordinate operational component of a tactical air control system that is designed to provide air liaison to land forces ...
Account party Account party is the customer who requests a standby letter of credit from a bank or other lender of funds.
Shore party Shore party refers to a task organization of the landing force, formed for the purpose of facilitating the landing and movement off the beaches of troops ...
Shore fire control party Shore fire control party refers to a specially trained unit for control of naval gunfire in support of troops ashore. Also called SFCP.
Affiliate party Affiliate party, also known as intra-firm trade, refers to a foreign importer that is a subsidiary business unit of the exporter.
Political party Political party is an organization of people with similar interests and attitudes established with the aim of achieving legitimate control of
Counterparty Counterparty refers to the opposite party to a double transaction; that is, to a transaction involving an exchange of financial instruments or obligations now ...
Counterparty Risk Counterparty risk is the potential exposure any individual firm bears that the second party to any financial contract will be unable to fulfill ...