Non store retailing Non store retailing that takes place outside of stores; can be in-home selling, direct marketing, or vending machines.
Bailing out Bailing out is in the context of securities, refers to selling a security or commodity quickly, regardless of the price. May occur when an investor no longer wants to sustain further losses on a stock. Bailing
Vending-machine retailing Vending-machine retailing refers out-of-store retailing that distributes products to consumers by coin-operated machines.
Telephone retailing Telephone retailing means out-of-store sales initiated by a salesperson who calls prospects or follows up on the customer’s response to promotional campaigns.
Mall-order retailing Mall-order retailing is an out of store buyers to order products from catalogs or brochures sent directly to their homes, or through order blanks placed in newspapers and magazines.
House-to-house retailing House-to-house retailing means out-of-store retailing whereby salespeople call on prospective customers in their homes.
Wheel of retailing Wheel of retailing is the theory of retailing in which new retailers gain a competitive foothold by offering low prices and limited services and
Prevailing wage Prevailing wage is a rate of pay determined by the U.S. Department of Labor based upon the geographic area for a given class of labor and type of project.
Detailing Detailing final cleaning both inside and outside of vehicle, removal of overspray from under hood, trunk lids etc., as well as polishing prior to
Wheel-of-retailing concept Wheel-of-retailing concept is a concept that states that new types of retailers usually begin as low-margin, low-price, and low-status operations but evolve into higher-priced...