Morale in Organizations Morale or esprit de corps (“spirit of the body” in French) is the mutual motivation inside a group or team...
Professional service organization Professional service organization is an organization of professional people organized under professional’s association laws and treated as
Finance companies Finance companies refer institutions that acquire funds by issuing commercial paper or stocks and bonds and use those funds to make
Exclusive provider organization (EPO) Exclusive provider organization (EPO) is a plan that does not cover medical care received outside of a network of preferred providers.
Bank run (bank panic) Bank run (bank panic) is a series of unexpected cash withdrawals caused by a sudden decline in depositor confidence or fear that the bank will be closed by the chartering agency, i.e. many depositors
Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is the philosophy that the practical usefulness of something is the sole criterion of its value, a philosophy that has greatly hindered the advance of
Servomechanism Servomechanism is a system that controls another system. Feedback from the system under control enables the servomechanism to regulate its input so that a
Pyromaniac Pyromaniac is a person with a mania for lighting fires.
Psychogalvanic Psychogalvanic reflex is an American equivalent of the British galvanic skin response.
Megalomaniac Megalomaniac is a person with a mania for himself, having a wildly exaggerated view of his own abilities and importance.