Hybrid organization Hybrid organization is an organization whose structure is comprised of both vertical and horizontal models.
Bridge Loan Bridge Loan is temporary finance provided to a project until long-term arrangements are made.
Series hybrid Series hybrid is an electric vehicle with a gasoline combustion engine that is only used to recharge the vehicle’s batteries. The gasoline engine
Parallel hybrid Parallel hybrid is a vehicle that is powered by an electric motor and an internal combustion engine that are inline. This type of hybrid can be
Hybrid power source Hybrid power source is the source of power in a hybrid vehicle: gas/electric, plug-in, fuel cell or pneumatic.
Hybrid vehicle Hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that combines the use of internal combustion and electricity as power sources.
Hybrid degree Hybrid degree is the level of hybrid technology used for a vehicle: full, mild, power-assist or plug-in.
Hybrid drivetrain layout Hybrid drivetrain layout is the drivetrain layout in a hybrid vehicle: parallel, series or combined.
Hybrid engine Hybrid engine is a powertrain that combines an electric motor and an alternative means of propulsion and/or power generation (for example,
Hybrid gas engine performance Hybrid gas engine performance is a hybrid vehicles gasoline engines ability to do work, expressed in terms of horsepower or torque.