Straw Buyer Straw Buyer is somebody who purchases anything on someone else's behalf. He is hired whenever the true purchaser...
Buyer cooperative Buyer cooperative is a type of online purchasing agent that brings buyers together for the purpose of buying in larger quantities and, thus, reducing prices.
Multibuyer policy Multibuyer policy is a policy which is administered by the Ex-Im bank that provides credit risk insurance on export sales to many different buyers.
Qualified Institutional Buyer (QIB) A qualified institutional buyer (QIB) is an entity (except a bank or a savings and loan) that owns and invests on a discretionary basis $100 million in securities ...
Buyer-readiness stages Buyer-readiness stages are the stages consumers normally pass through on their way to making a purchase, including awareness, knowledge, liking, preference...
Buyers Buyers are the people in an organization,s buying center who make an actual purchase. Buyers have formal authority to select the supplier and arrange terms of purchase.
Powerful Buyers Customers likewise can force down prices,demand higher quality or more service,and play competitors off against each other- all at the expense of industry profits .
A buyer group is powerful if
It is concentrated or purchases in large volumes. Large volumes buyers are particularly potent forces if heavy fixed costs characterize the industry as they do in metal containers, corn refining, and bulk chemicals, for example-which raise the stakes to keep capacity filled.