Blue-Collar Blue-collar refers to a certain kind of occupation that often involves labor as the workers get paid on an hourly basis. The term stems from the workers wearing deep blue...
Very large-scale integration (VLSI) Superchip circuitry, resulting from extremely compact transistors and circuits assembles on a single silicon chip; marked start of fifth
Price-earnings ratio The current market price of a stock divided by the annual earnings per share.
Large-Scale Integrated (LSI) Circuit Large-Scale Integrated (LSI) Circuit is a superchip that contains thousands of small transistors: fourth-generation innovation that
Blue-Sky Law Blue-Sky Law allows state law that prevents corporations from issuing worthless securities to unsuspecting investors. It also requires stockbrokers.....
Use-and-file law Use-and-file law is a rating law that is a variation of a file and- use; insurers can put into effect immediately any rate changes, but the rates must be filed with regulatory authorities within a certain period
Single-premium deferred annuity Single-premium deferred annuity is a retirement annuity that is purchased with a single premium with benefits to start at some future
Single-premium whole life insurance Single-premium whole life insurance is a whole life policy that provides lifetime protection with a single premium payment. Single-premium whole life insurance is a whole life policy that provides lifetime protection with a single premium payment.
Multiple-line insurance Multiple-line insurance is a type of insurance that combines several lines of insurance into one contract, for example, property insurance and casualty insurance.
Flexible-premium annuity Flexible-premium annuity is an annuity contract that permits the owner to vary the size and frequency of premium payments.
The amount of retirement income depends on the accumulated sum