Internal Stakeholder Internal Stakeholders, also known as Critical Stakeholders, hold the financial stakes of a company and have integral involvement in its operations and growth.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) International Standard Book Number or ISBN is a unique ten or thirteen digit numeric identifier given to every published book...
Financial Modernization Act of 1999 Financial Modernization Act of 1999 is a federal law that allows banks, insurers, investment firms, and other financial institutions to enter and
Wernicke's Area Named after Carl Wernicke, a nineteenth century German neurologist. A vaguely defined area of the cerebral cortex that is concerned with the processing of speech sounds into rec
Post-modernism Post-modernism is the view that the detached objective observer-a key assumption in traditional Western science and scholarship doesn't exist. In psychology
Alternative investments Alternative investments refers to investments in hedge funds. Many hedge funds pursue strategies that are uncommon
Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is a federal tax aimed at ensuring that wealthy individuals, estates, trusts, and corporations pay a minimal level income tax.
Pattern recognition Pattern recognition is the process of picking out patterns of shapes from a series of stimuli; used of machines as well as the brain.