Voluntary Exchange Voluntary exchange is willingly trading goods, services, or resources between two or more parties without coercion or force.
Green Tech Green tech is designed to reduce the human ecological impact and fight against climate change.
Linear Relationship Linear Relationship is a mathematical phrase that describes two different connections that go parallelly following a perfectly straight line...
Bundle of Rights Bundle of Rights is the title of the collection of legal responsibilities and amenities that come with purchasing any property. These rights are area and demography...
EXW Shipping EXW Shipping is the shipment delivery service that abides by the EXW terms and conditions. EXW, or Ex Works, is an International Commercial Term (Incoterm).
Sustainable Growth Rate Sustainable Growth Rate relates to the greatest pace of development that a firm can maintain without finding new financing by stock or debt to fund its expansion.
Leadership Grid The Leadership Grid is a behaviour-based leadership approach that explains what leaders accomplish instead of who they are. It's important for assessing a person's leadership style.
Technical Analyst Technical Analyst is a specialist who has the ability and experience to investigate the capital system and deduce key trends that give vital possible values.
Transfer of Death (TOD) Account Transfer-on-death (TOD) Account applies to designated beneficiaries who acquire properties without having to go through probate when the owner of the property dies...
Levered Free Cash Flow The amount of money left over after a firm has met all of its recurrent financial commitments are referred to as Levered Free Cash Flow. These responsibilities encompass both short-term and long-term...