Elimination Period Elimination Period is the duration between an accident, sickness, incapacity, or request and receiving final welfare payments.
Visual Dominance Visual Dominance occurs when several stimuli from various sensory modalities are present but the visual ones dominate the rest.
Subliminal Subliminal refer to stimuli below the limen or threshold of conscious perception. Summer hill the school dedicated to freedom from repression founded by A.S. Neill.
Pregnancy Discrimination Act Pregnancy Discrimination Act is an amendment to title VII of the Civil Rights Act that prohibits sex discrimination based on "pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions." It requires employers to provide benefits -including sick leave and disability benefits and health and medical insurance - the same as for any employee not able to work because of disability.
Dominance Dominance refers to used of a person with a strong need to control or be more important than other people.
Dominant gene Dominant gene is the appearance in an offspring of a certain physical characteristic as a result of one factor dominating the other it is paired with in a parental gene.
Cerebral dominance Cerebral dominance is the tendency for one cerebral hemisphere or the other to be dominant in its regulation of behaviour-the left hemisphere in right-handed
Nominal Partner The Nominal Partner is an individual who is neither a part-owner of the partnership nor an active participant in the firm’s affairs.
Interactive point of sale terminals Interactive point of sale terminals refers to located on a retailer’s counter, and used to capture data and present targeted communication.
Coefficient of determination Coefficient of determination refers to measure of the percentage variation in the dependent variable that can be explained by the independent variables ...