Independent adjustor Independent adjustor claims adjustor who offers his or her services to insurance companies and is compensated by a fee.
Independent agency system Independent agency system is a type of property and casualty insurance marketing system, sometimes called the American agency system, in which the agent is an independent businessperson
Flexible-spending account Flexible-spending account is an arrangement by which the employee agrees to a salary reduction, which can be used to pay for plan benefits, unreimbursed medical and dental expenses, and other expenses permitted by the
Dependency period Dependency period is a period of time following the readjustment period during which the surviving spouse’s children are under
Field dependence--independence Field dependence--independence is the idea that people orient themselves to their environment or field by the use of two distinctlyField dependence--independence is the idea that people orient themselves to their environment or field by the use of two distinctlyField dependence--independence is the idea that people orient themselves to their environment or field by the use of two distinctly
Data independence Data independence is a system that lets a user access data based simply on the contents of the data and its associations with other data, without ...
Dependence Dependence refers to used in at least three senses (and sometimes written ‘dependency’). (I) In science generally, if one thing is thought
Accrued expenditures Accrued expenditures refers to the amount of a liability incurred (whether or not paid) for goods or services received, or assets acquired.
Interdependence Interdependence is the characteristic common to all close relationships- an interpersonal association in which two people influence one another’s
Planned investment spending Planned investment spending is the total planned spending by businesses on new physical capital (e.g., machines, computers, apartment buildings) plus planned spending on new homes.