Indemnification Agreement Indemnification Agreement can safeguard you from the liabilities resulting from the contractual group's carelessness or violation of the agreement. A stay-safe deal, also known as...
Purchase and Sale Agreement Purchase and Sale Agreement or PSA is a valid and enforceable document that outlines the potential buyers and sellers of an estate's contractual terms. Selling and buying agreements are among...
Hypothecation Agreement Hypothecation Agreement is a legal document between the provider and recipient of a loan when an asset is offered as security to obtain it.
Maintenance of membership agreement Maintenance of membership agreement is an agreement that, although employees do not have to join a union, union members must
Hot-Cargo agreement Hot-Cargo agreement is a boycott agreement between management and union that workers may avoid working with materials that come
Insuring agreement Insuring agreement is that part of an insurance contract that states the promises of the insurer.
Agency agreement Agency agreement mean contract between an insurance agent and insurance company that describes the powers, rights, and duties of
Agreement among underwriters Agreement among underwriters is a contract among participating members of a syndicate that defines the members'
Agreement corporation Agreement corporation is a corporation chartered by a state to engage in international banking: so named because the
Revolving credit agreement Revolving credit agreement is a commercial bank’s binding promise that the money will be available if the borrowing firm requests it.