Definition Definition

Career Planning Workshops

Definition (1):

A career planning workshop is “a planned learning event in which participants are expected to be actively involved, completing career planning exercises and inventories and participating in career skills practice sessions.” General career planning workshops include self-assessment, environmental assessment, and goal-setting and action-planning segments.

Definition (2):

Generally, career planning workshops involve a limited-time engagement on the part of participants. The duration of most workshops ranges from a few hours to a day or more of structured activities and meetings. These workshops can be considered as one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to assist people to address their career issues. Generally, they have the overall goals of the following:

a) Helping people in taking more responsibility for their career development

b) Assisting people to become more serious about their career so that

c) Participants can recognize, implement, and finally, attain career goals.

The initial few hours of these career planning workshops generally concentrate on assisting participants to recognize and explore a variety of educational and career opportunities. These activities assist people to discover congruent educational or career possibilities or ensure the congruence of the available options under consideration. These assessment-related activities possibly will consist of the control and interpretation of a pen-and-paper or computer-based career idea inventory.

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