Definition Definition


Follow-up is a step of selling process where a salesperson follows up after the sale to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business. Right after closing, the salesperson should complete and details on delivery time, purchase terms, dn other matters. The salesperson then should schedule a follow-up call after the buyer receives the initial order to make sure proper installation, instruction, and servicing occur. This visit would reveal any problems, assure the buyer of the salesperson’s interest, and reduce any buyer concerns that might have arisen since the sale.

Definition 2

Follow-up— in amphibious operations, the reinforcements and stores carried on ships and aircraft (not originally part of the amphibious force) that are off-loaded after the assault and assault follow-on echelons have been landed.

Follow-up is phase of production control in which employees and their supervisors spot problems in the production process and determine needed adjustments.

Follow-up is the production control step in which production planners monitor step in which production planners monitor each job’s progress along its route, and report and attempt to deal with any delays or difficult that occur. Also, this is the final step in the selling process. It builds and maintains custom loyalty and good will as the salesperson confirms that the buyers have received everything that was originally promised and clearly understands the benefits of owning the product.

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