Definition Definition

What Is Peripheral Route to Persuasion? Attitude Change Through Persuasive Cues

What Is Peripheral Route to Persuasion?

The peripheral route to persuasion refers to a cognitive process in which individuals form or change their attitudes based on superficial cues rather than thoroughly evaluating the central message or argument. Instead of critically analyzing the content, people rely on peripheral cues such as the persuader's attractiveness, expertise, or status to guide their attitude formation.

Definition 2

The peripheral route to persuasion involves influencing individuals' attitudes through the use of persuasive cues that tap into their cognitive biases and automatic mental shortcuts. By leveraging peripheral cues such as the persuader's attractiveness, expertise, or status, the persuader can trigger a favorable response and shape the individual's attitudes without necessarily providing strong evidence or compelling arguments.

More Thorough Understanding of the Term

In the vast landscape of persuasion exists a fascinating phenomenon known as the "Peripheral Route to Persuasion." The peripheral Route (to persuasion) is attitude change that occurs in response to persuasion cues such as the attractiveness, expertise, or status of would-be persuaders.

The peripheral route to persuasion is a cognitive process in which individuals form or alter their attitudes based on peripheral cues rather than thoroughly evaluating the central message or argument. Unlike the central route, which relies on a comprehensive analysis of the message content, the peripheral route focuses on the superficial aspects surrounding the persuader.

The peripheral route to persuasion finds extensive applications in the field of marketing and advertising. Advertisers can create compelling campaigns that resonate with their target audience by leveraging persuasive cues such as attractiveness, expertise, and status. 

Through visually appealing imagery, celebrity endorsements, and expert testimonials, they can tap into the peripheral route and influence consumers' attitudes towards their products or services.

Primary Persuasive Cues

The peripheral route to persuasion offers a fascinating insight into the art of persuasion. By understanding and harnessing the power of persuasive cues, persuaders can effectively influence attitudes and drive favorable outcomes. 


Research has shown that attractive individuals are often perceived as more trustworthy, competent, and persuasive. By leveraging this peripheral cue, persuaders can capture attention and influence attitudes without relying solely on the strength of their arguments.


When individuals perceive someone as knowledgeable and credible in a particular domain, they are more likely to accept the person's arguments or recommendations. By establishing expertise, persuaders can tap into the peripheral route, fostering attitude change and increasing the likelihood of a favorable response.


People tend to attribute greater credibility and authority to those with high status. By capitalizing on this peripheral cue, persuaders can establish a sense of legitimacy and influence attitudes more effectively.

Practical Examples

Imagine a television commercial promoting a new skincare product. The ad features a celebrity endorsing the product, emphasizing her flawless skin. Viewers swayed by the peripheral route to persuasion may be more inclined to believe in the product's effectiveness based on the celebrity's attractiveness and their perception of her expertise in maintaining good skin.

Another example is, consider a social media influencer sharing a post about a new fitness program. The influencer showcases their toned physique and highlights their journey, positioning themselves as an expert in fitness. Followers who rely on the peripheral route to persuasion might be more likely to adopt a positive attitude towards the program, driven by the influencer's perceived attractiveness and expertise.

In Sentences

  • By strategically utilizing persuasive cues, persuaders can influence attitudes and shape perceptions
  • The peripheral route to persuasion takes advantage of individuals' inclination to make judgments.
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