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Related Definitions
Report A report is a formal document that states the business or event concerned in fine detail keeping a close focus on the necessary points.
Reporting form Reporting form coverage for commercial property insurance that requires the insured to report monthly or quarterly the value of the
Prepositional representation A prepositional representation refers to one of the most widely used concepts in cognitive psychology. They have been called 'the language of the mind' and are usually
Kinsey report Kinsey report is the first large-scale survey of human sexual behaviour, carried out in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s kinship system by Alfred Kinsey
Report writers Report writers refer to software packages that allow users to generate static questions.
Repositioned products Repositioned products is the current products that are either targeted to different markets or promoted for new uses.
Repositioning Repositioning is the process of creating a new or modified brand, company, or product position.
Labor-management reporting and disclosure act (Landrum-Griffin Act) of 1959 Labor-management reporting and disclosure act (Landrum-Griffin Act) of 1959 creates a bill of rights for union members: requires unions to file copies of their constitutions, bylaws, and various reports (including financial reports) with the secretary of labor where they become public record: bars persons convicted of certain felonies from serving as union officers: requires that union officers be bonded (insured).
Annual report Annual report is the document in which businesses summarize their financial condition each year.
Unrestricted reporting Unrestricted reporting is a process that a Service member uses to disclose, without requesting confidentiality or restricted reporting, that he or she ...