- One who, or that which, carries or conveys; a messenger. - One who is employed, or makes it his business, to carry
goods for others for hire; a porter; a teamster. - That which drives or carries; as: (a) A piece which
communicates to an object in a lathe the motion of the face plate; a
lathe dog. (b) A spool holder or bobbin holder in a braiding machine.
(c) A movable piece in magazine guns which transfers the cartridge to a
position from which it can be thrust into the barrel.
Meaning of 'Carrier' (Princeton's WordNet)
1 . carrier
[ n]
Meaning (1): - a self-propelled wheeled vehicle designed specifically to carry something
Example in sentence:
refrigerated carriers have revolutionized the grocery business
Meaning (2): - someone whose employment involves carrying something
Special-purpose carriers Special-purpose carriers, also known as value-added carriers, refer to companies that add value to the basic communications services provided by a ...
Common carrier Common carrier is a company that furnishes voice and data communication services both to business and to the general public and is regulated by state ...
Data communication carriers Data communication carriers refer to telephone and telecommunication companies that provide telecommunication services to move data. There are two ...
Carrier strike group Carrier strike group— A standing naval task group consisting of a carrier, embarked air wing, surface combatants, and submarines as assigned in direct support ...
Carrier control zone Carrier control zone refers to the airspace within a circular limit that is defined by 5 miles horizontal radius from the carrier, extending upward from the surface to ...
Carrier air wing Carrier air wing— two or more aircraft squadrons formed under one commander for administrative and tactical control of operations from a carrier. Also called CVW.
Aircraft carrier Aircraft carrier refers to a warship which is designed to support and operate aircraft, engage in attacks on targets afloat or ashore, and engage in sustained operations...
Carrier Carrier is a person in apparently good health who harbors a pathogenic microorganism
Optical carrier (OC) Optical carrier (OC) is a speed level of fiber-optic cable that conforms to the SONET standard.