Coacting group Coacting group is the sociological term for people who share the same goal but work towards it without communicating or interacting.
Acting out Acting out -in psychoanalysis, a term for the behaviour of a patient who has to act on a powerful and deep-rooted impulse, and is unable to reflect on it and talk about it instead.
Senior contracting official Senior contracting official refers to the staff official, designated by a Service head of contracting activity to execute theater support contracting authority ...
Procuring contracting officer Procuring contracting officer refers to a contracting officer who initiates and signs the contract. Also called PCO.
Subcontracting Subcontracting is the international agreement that involves hiring local companies to produce, distribute, or sell goods or services in a
Joint contracting support board Joint contracting support board refers to a board which is established to coordinate all contracting support and to determine specific contracting mechanisms ...
Head of contracting activity Head of contracting activity refers to the official who has overall responsibility for managing the contracting activity. Also called HCA.
Contracting officer representative Contracting officer representative refers to a Service member or Department of Defense civilian or a foreign government civilian or military member who is appointed in writing ...
Contracting officer Contracting officer refers to a Service member or Department of Defense civilian with the legal authority to enter into, administer, modify, and/or terminate contracts.
Contingency contracting Contingency contracting refers to the process of obtaining goods, services, and construction via contracting means in support of contingency operations.