Entrepreneurial & Managerial services Entrepreneurial services refer to those services that generate new market, product, and service ideas.
Managerial services are the routine functions of the firm
Prior entrepreneurial experience Prior entrepreneurial experience is one of the most consistent predictors of future entrepreneurial performance. Because launching a new venture is a complex task, entrepreneurs with prior start-up experience have a distinct advantage.
Entrepreneurial alertness A sixth sense of entrepreneurs that allows them to see opportunities that others miss, is called entrepreneurial alertness which is defined as the ability to notice things without engaging in deliberate search.
Entrepreneurial process The entrepreneurial process consists of four steps:
Step 1 Deciding to become an entrepreneur,
Step 2 Developing successful business ideas...
Entrepreneurial Firms Entrepreneurial firms are companies that bring new products and services to market by creating and seizing opportunities. Google, eBay, and Apple are well-known, highly successful examples of entrepreneurial firms.
Entrepreneurial intensity Entrepreneurial intensity is referred to the position of a firm on a conceptual continuum that ranges from highly conservative to highly entrepreneurial.
Entrepreneurial mode The informal, intuitive, and limited approach to strategic management associated with owner-managers smaller firms.