Franking Credit Franking Credit is a sort of tax benefit paid by the company in addition to dividend payouts. Rather than issuing a direct fine, removing these credits...
A–frame A–frame is a light wooden frame utilized for carrying material on the back of personnel in some foreign countries.
Framing Framing is a process in which a web browser is instructed to divide itself into two or more partitions and load within a section material obtained from another web site through the execution of an automatic link.
Mainframe Mainframe is a large, general-purpose computer with extensive memory and high processing speed. Mainframes are enterprise-wide systems that ...
Competitive frame of reference Competitive frame of reference defines which other brands a brand competes with and therefore which brands should be the focus of competitive analysis.
Refraction Refraction refers to the process by which the direction of a wave is changed when moving into shallow water at an angle to the bathymetric contours.
Liquidity preference framework Liquidity preference framework is a model developed by John Maynard Keynes that predicts the equilibrium interest rate on the basis of the supply of and demands for money.
Public key infrastructure Public key infrastructure is an enterprise-wide service that supports digital signatures and other public key-based security mechanisms for Department of ...
Overhead persistent infrared Overhead persistent infrared are those systems originally developed to detect and track foreign intercontinental ballistic missile systems. Also called OPIR.
Primacy of the infrastructure Primacy of the infrastructure means Marvin Harris’s idea that when trying to understand or explain a widespread social practice or belief, one must always