Social Need Social Needs are the basic needs of humans that prove that they are social beings. The need for love, companionship, friendship and belonging are among the major social needs.
Self-actualization need The need to use and display one’s full range of skills and competence; the fifth and highest level of needs in Maslow’s needs hierarchy.
Safety need Security need, such as the need to be financially secure and protected against job los, the second level of needs in Maslow’s needs
Pioneer pricing The new-product pricing strategies of charging the highest possible price to regain costs quickly (price skimming) or setting the price
Needs hierarchy Needs hierarchy refers psychologist Abraham Maslow’s motivational theory that people have five basic needs arranged in a hierarchy:
Esteem need Esteem need refers the need for self-respect and for respect from others; the fourth level of needs in Maslow’s needs hierarchy.
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) refers the use of computers to guide or control the actual production of goods.
Needs approach Needs approach is a method for estimating amount of life insurance appropriate for a family by analyzing various family needs that must be met if the family head should die and converting them into specific
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the redesign of business processes to achieve improvements in such measures of performance as cost, quality, service, and speed.