Active preventative program (against terrorism) Active preventative program (against terrorism) refers to those deliberate low–visibility, clandestine, and/or overt actions that are taken to deter or ...
Preventive medicine Preventive medicine means the anticipation, communication, prediction, identification, prevention, education, risk assessment, and control of communicable ...
Preventive maintenance Preventive maintenance refers to the care and servicing by personnel for the purpose of maintaining equipment and facilities in satisfactory operating ...
Prevention of mutual interference Prevention of mutual interference— in submarine operations, procedures established to prevent submerged collisions between friendly submarines, between ...
Prevention Prevention— in space usage, measures to preclude an adversary’s hostile use of United States or third-party space systems and services.
Preventive checks Preventive checks means Malthus’s term for measures and activities in which people attempt to prevent births in some manner.
Conflict prevention Conflict prevention— a peace operation employing complementary diplomatic, civil, and, when necessary, military means, to monitor and identify the causes of conflict ...
Crisis prevention Crisis prevention is the process of an organization implementing specific plans and procedures designed to circumvent certain disasters or emergencies.