Proximate cause Proximate cause is factor causing damage to property for which there is an unbroken chain of events between the occurrence of an insured
Proximodistal Proximodistal means 'close-distant'. Usually refers to the process of maturation in humans and animals where the sequence of physical development proceeds from the centre of the body towards the periphery.
Proxy Proxy is a document that expresses a stockholder’s voting intentions on corporate matters when he or she cannot attend the annual meeting.
Proxy server caching Proxy server caching is the process that occurs when users access copies of web sites rather than the site itself. Users accessing web sites
Proximity Proximity in attraction research, the closeness between two individuals’ residences, classroom seats, work areas, and so on; the closer the
Proxy server Proxy server is a special Internet server that sits between an Internet link and a private network. It stores local copies of remote Web pages and
Zone of proximal development (ZPD) According to Vygotsky, zone of proximal development (ZPD) is the level at which a child can almost, but not fully, comprehend or perform a task on his or her own.