Signature Loan Signature Loan is the borrowed amount with a set rate for only a specified duration that is backed by the sign and requires no security.......
Pre Foreclosure Pre Foreclosure is a formal notice from the lender indicating that the foreclosure procedure has started after a household fails on its loan repayments.
Signature Guarantee Signature Guarantee is a type of validation offered by a financial intermediary that checks the legality of a signature as well as the entire demand of the signatories.
Cross-culture Engaging with or comparing two dissimilar nations or cultural zones is referred to as Cross-culture. It involves acknowledging the existence of many societies and classes...
Territorial structure An organization structure in which units are divided on the basis of territory or geographical region.
Secured loan A loan backed with some form of collateral; property, equipment, inventory, or accounts receivable.
Product structure An organization structure in which a manager is placed in charge of and has responsibility for a product or product line.
Underinsured motorist’s coverage Underinsured motorist’s coverage is a coverage that can be added to the personal auto policy. Coverage pays damages for a bodily injury to an insured caused by the ownership or operation of an
Uninsured motorists coverage Uninsured motorists coverage is that part of the personal auto policy designed to insure against bodily injury caused by an uninsured
Pure premium method of rating Pure premium method of rating is a rating system used in property and casualty insurance. The pure premium is determined by dividing the dollar amount of incurred losses and loss-adjustment expenses by