User Interface User Interface is the point of communication where a human interacts with the machine. It helps a user to interact with the computer by accepting input from the user and.......
Unique users Unique users is the number of unique individuals who visit a site within a specific period of time. With today’s technology,
Accuser Accuser refers to (in military law) a person who signs and swears to charges, a person who directs that charges nominally be signed and sworn to by ...
Lead Service or agency for common-user logistics Lead Service or agency for common-user logistics— A Service component or Department of Defense agency that is responsible for execution of common-user item ...
Dominant user Dominant user is the Service or multinational partner who is the principal consumer of a particular common-user logistic supply or service within a joint ...
Common-user transportation Common-user transportation refers to transportation and transportation services which are provided on a common basis for two or more Department of Defense agencies ...
Common-user sealift Common-user sealift refers to the sealift services which are provided by the Military Sealift Command on a common basis for all Department of Defense agencies ...
Common-user ocean terminal Common-user ocean terminal refers to a military installation, part of a military installation, or a commercial facility that is operated under contract or arrangement by the Military ...
Common-user network Common-user network refers to a system of circuits or channels, allocated to furnish communication paths between switching centers to provide communication service...
Common-user logistics Common-user logistics— materiel or service support shared with or provided by two or more Services, Department of Defense agencies, or multinational partners to another Service ...