Definition Definition

Alternative evaluation

Definition (1):

Alternative evaluation is the stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer uses the information to evaluate alternative brands in the choice set.

Unfortunately, consumers do not use a simple and single evaluation process in all buying situations. Instead, several evaluation processes are at work.

Definition (2):

It is a set pattern among the buyer with the product decision; the buyer usually gathers product-based information from the market on the basis of their survey to make a final decision about the product in the market. As per market researchers, brand image performs an important role in the market and it assists customers to make the alternative evaluation easier.

Definition (3):

Alternative evaluation is the phase in the purchasing decision process where the purchaser uses information collected for making the ultimate choice among the products in the available set.

Consumers develop the criteria for evaluation acting as a metric indicating him/her whether the product is good or not and suitable to keep in his list of options or not. A marketer should correctly understand the criteria for evaluation of their target consumers and according to that serve them with their marketing offers.

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