Intermediate Products Intermediate Products are produced in order to be used in the production of some other goods or services...
Marketing intermediary Marketing intermediary is an individual or organization in a marketing channel that provides a link between producers, other channel
Intermediary Intermediary is a firm that appears in the channel between the supplier and the consumer. BY specializing, intermediaries are able to perform functions more efficiently than the supplier could.
Intermediate target Intermediate target is any of a number of variables, such as monetary aggregates or interest rates, that have a direct effect on employment and the price level and that the Fed seeks to influence.
Intermediate-term Intermediate-term with reference to a debt instrument, having a maturity of between one and ten years.
Financial Intermediaries Financial intermediaries is the institutions (such as banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, pension funds, and finance companies) that ...
Financial intermediation Financial intermediation is the process of indirect finance whereby financial intermediaries link lender-savers and borrower-spenders.
Intermediate organization Intermediate organization means Robert Nisbet’s term for a primary group that is based on religion, family, or community and that, historically,
Intermediate staging base Intermediate staging base refers to a tailorable, temporary location used for staging forces, sustainment and/or extraction into and out of an operational area.
Intermediate-range ballistic missile Intermediate-range ballistic missile is a land-based ballistic missile with a range capability from 1,500 to 3,000 nautical miles. Also called IRBM.