Unconscious motivation Unconscious motivation refers to any motivation of whose origin, or even existence, a person is unaware.
Unconventional warfare Unconventional warfare— Activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government ...
Unconventional assisted recovery Unconventional assisted recovery— Nonconventional assisted recovery conducted by special operations forces. Also called UAR.
Uncovered Interest Arbitrage (UIA) A deviation from covered interest arbitrage is uncovered interest arbitrage (UIA), where in investors borrow in countries and currencies exhibiting relatively ...
Unconscious Unconscious, a part of the personality that contains the memories, knowledge, beliefs, feelings, urges, drives, and instincts of which the individual is not aware.
Unconditional positive regard Unconditional positive regard is an attitude of acceptance and respect on the part of an observer, no matter what a person says or does.
Collective unconscious According to Jung, collective unconscious is a common set of ideas, feelings, images, and symbols that we inherit from our ancestors, the
Unconscious wish fulfillment theory Sigmund Freud’s unconscious wish fulfillment theory that dreams represent unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to see fulfilled.
Unconditioned stimulus(UCS) A stimulus that naturally bring about a particular response without having been learned, is called unconditioned stimulus (UCS).