Definition Definition

Social Media: Understanding Social Media with Practical Example

What is Social Media?

Social Media refers to the services and programs that emphasize conversation, group participation, engagement, content-sharing, and collaborative effort. It also allows marketers to establish a public voice and presence on the internet and reinforce other communication activities. 

Understanding Social Media

Individuals embrace social media to connect with acquaintances, relatives, and other members of their communities. Companies utilize social media to offer and promote their brand while also keeping track of client complaints. Because of their day-to-day immediacy, social media can also encourage companies to stay innovative and relevant.

There are three main platforms for social media: 

  1. Online communities and forums
  2. Blogs
  3. Social networks (like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube)

Online communities and forums refer to online areas provided by a company or a brand where users, consumers, and followers can gather, make suggestions, get peer-to-peer feedback, explore brand values, and form support networks.

Blogging in social media began as a way for people to post writings, although it has subsequently been integrated into many companies' platforms. Modifications, language variety, and options for followers to join and create a discussion are all characteristics of blogging.

The need for internet-based social media platforms to keep in touch with mates, families, coworkers, buyers, or prospects is referred to as social networking. Utilizing networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram may serve societal, commercial, or both purposes.

Practical Example

Nina Fashion limited is a clothing-based company that is uniquely known for its customized designs. They got a huge response from their potential customers because of their amazing content and promotional campaigns on social media. They have reached out through Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube and various apps. They set a very high benchmark for the newcomers and leave an example to utilize social media to serve their purpose. 

In Sentences

  • Any digital feature that enables people to easily generate and communicate content with the community is referred to as social media
  • Businesses can use social media to increase sales and promote their products or services. 


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